Apply Now Programmes Virtual Tour CT Set 2024 Ph.D
Open 2024-25
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Yoga & Exercise : Yoga is an act towards a healthy life. One must opt for it on daily basis and make it a routine. CT University will always support and value the importance of Yoga in human life.  Yoga gives freshness to the soul and is even a hand towards mental fitness. Athletics : At CT, a state-of-the-art facility provides students all the advantages needed to maximise athletic performance. 

Jogging : Several jogging courses ore marked out through idyllic scenery in CT campus. Students and faculty use these courses, for refreshing morning jogs and energising runs. 

Indoor Games : The common room at CT is a big area which witnesses students playing indoor games during their class breaks and after dinner time. Facility for lot of indoor games is available. 

Basket Ball Court : The CT basketball center is a comprehensive and state-of-the-art basketball practice facility, with an outdoor, concrete, all weather surface court and training area for student players. 

Cricket & Other Sports : The CT cricket infrastructure includes a cricket ground with natural turf pitches and floodlit synthetic cricket practice pitches. It provides a picturesque setting for any cricket enthusiast. 

Physical Fitness : CT’s provides facilities for various stretching, floor and body-building exercises as its multiple gyms.